deletedDec 18, 2023Liked by Heather Brebaugh
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I already love your neighborhood. Sounds like a great place to live!

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deletedDec 18, 2023Liked by Heather Brebaugh
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Dec 12, 2023Liked by Heather Brebaugh

Lovely video, Heather. I am off to the supermarket this morning. I will take up your challenge to say good morning to everyone I pass by and maybe even give a little compliment or two. I will let you know how it went.

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Sounds like lots of fun! Regular grocery or Trader Joes? 🎄

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Dec 12, 2023Liked by Heather Brebaugh

Big old impersonal Safeway. Looking for low prices today, rather than treats...

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dang, those tarts sounded soooo good!

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Thank you @Sharron Bassano and @Bruce MacNaughton for restacking this sweet kindness video so others can enjoy it!

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Dec 12, 2023Liked by Heather Brebaugh

Small acts of kindness are like the flu and covid viruses over the holidays - extremely contagious and everywhere but fortunately they carry zero risks to your health. Feel free to take them in and savor.

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Yes! And they actually have scientifically proven health benefits! Plus they don't hurt like getting the flu shot...💉

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Lovely video. I don’t want to toot my own horn but I do this wherever I go— except the parking lot or gas station. There have been hold ups and car jackings in these places so I switch my KM mode to AA— Alert Awareness. It takes little energy to be kind and it feeds my soul.

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Ah, yes, food for the soul. I like the sound of that.

While you're being kind....also be safe. AA is always a smart move.

Thanks for watching.🤍

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People are so kind during this time of year. Why not make it the rule instead of the exception?

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Dec 13, 2023Liked by Heather Brebaugh

My thoughts exactly. I think for certain people it is the rule - They're inspiring to the rest of us - "off and on-ers"

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Being kind has a lot of personal benefits too. Good for your heart. Good for your brain. Good for your happiness.

And kindness can be learned. Just by starting with something simple, like saying 'good morning' to a stranger or holding the door for someone or telling a co-worker you appreciate their work. So many opportunities. Each one offers a wealth of benefits.

We always hear, "do something kind without expectation of getting something in return". I disagree. You should expect something in return. At a minimum, that release of serotonin and dopamine that helps you feel good.

Just my two cents. 🤍

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Brigham Young University TV produces a program called Random Acts where they surprise deserving people with really creative acts of kindness. I kind of got hooked on the show a few years ago and watch it when I’m feeling selfish or useless or bored. Some are tear jerkers, but in a good way.

A similar program, called Eastern Idaho News does similar acts of kindness. Some anonymous donor gives a million dollars each Christmas season to bring relief and cheer to good people who are struggling and deserving. Also a tear jerker at times.

Both are on YouTube, but BYU TV also has an app.

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Thank you for telling me about these. I'll grab my tissues and tune in! There are plenty of times that I could use a good kick for being selfish.

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Nice! Lots of ripples. AKA "The Butterfly Effect". One of my favorite effects!

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I love that! The Butterfly Effect. I like that even better than ripples! It creates an awesome visual. You've given me an idea for a kindness post. Thank you!

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Nice! Look forward to it.

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Dec 13, 2023Liked by Heather Brebaugh

Just got a chance to watch this video today. Thank you for posting it Heather. I'm going to send it to my grandkids.

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That's a great idea, Jim! Thank you for the suggestion. I'm going to send it to mine, too! More ripples!

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The 2004 movie Crash is the exact opposite of the wonderful vid you posted. In Crash, everybody hates everybody, but somehow every person involved feels pangs of regret for how they treat one another. I like the idea of ripples of happiness, and I suspect not a few dogs would welcome its human coming home happy instead of a mood.

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I wrote an article on letting people out at junctions, I do it every morning and it makes me feel good and I see the rippling of the car in front also doing it when they get a chance 🥰

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What a wonderful idea! You make a difference for others every time you let them merge!

Here's a link to your excellent post: https://sarahseekingikigai.substack.com/p/let-cars-out-at-junctions

It's nice to 'meet' you, Sarah. Thanks for reading Kindness Magnet and for your comment.

By the way, you talk about negativity in your post. You might enjoy this post that explores the science behind negativity: https://heatherbrebaugh.substack.com/p/negativity-machine

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What a lovely and kind comment, thank you so much for sharing my post... It's so lovely to meet you too Heather, I love how Substack is helping me find my people, the people who motivate me and entertain me and teach me new ways to think about the world... Thanks for sharing the link to your piece on the science of negativity, I'll remember that it takes 5 positive feelings to overcome a negative one and try to find as many ways to make people smile in my corner of the world as I can! 🥰

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Well, you just made me smile with your comment! See how easy it is lol! 🤣

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