“Sometimes kindness isn’t in your face. It’s more subtle. It’s Kinda Kind.”
The Kinda Kind Series is about talking. And not talking. About gestures. And expressions. And sounds. And silence. It’s about all the curious ways we communicate. And sometimes it’s about just being Kinda Kind.
⭐ A quick note before we get started. You can read this post on my website (instead of in email) by clicking here. Sometimes it’s a better reading experience, plus, as a bonus, you’ll have access to the whole kit and kaboodle of Kindness Magnet posts. 💚
⭐⭐If for some wild, crazy unexplained reason you aren’t part of our kindness community yet, you can do that right here! Here are 4 excellent reasons to subscribe: You like kindness; You like humor and kindness; You want to hang out with cool, kind people; You feel sorry for me and you want to be kind (kidding, sort of lol).
“I alone cannot change the world. But I can cast a stone across the water to create many ripples.” ~ Mother Teresa
Can you count how many ripples of kindness were created by one small act of kindness from a young boy? (The answer is in the comments)
🐇 Lessons From the Rabbit Hole
This young boy wasn’t thinking about changing the world. He just saw someone in need and he offered a little kindness. One small kindness at a time. Viewed by someone else who then offered one small kindness. Viewed by another. And another. Little by little, the world around him was changing for the better. Because of one small act of kindness.
May you be the recipient and the giver of one small act of kindness this week.
Please hit the Restack Circle and encourage others to share kindness this week. Together we can start with one small kindness that becomes a ripple that changes the world.
How many kindness ripples did you count? There were at least 30 before everyone showed up to help paint the wall. That’s about one kind act every 5 seconds.
Hello friends. You have already created ripples of kindness for me just by being here. Thank you.
This week I’m going to say ‘good morning/afternoon’ to everyone I pass while I’m out for a walk. Let the ripples begin! Have you had some ripples this week?
Lovely video, Heather. I am off to the supermarket this morning. I will take up your challenge to say good morning to everyone I pass by and maybe even give a little compliment or two. I will let you know how it went.
Thank you @Sharron Bassano and @Bruce MacNaughton for restacking this sweet kindness video so others can enjoy it!