“Sometimes kindness isn’t in your face. It’s more subtle. It’s Kinda Kind.”
The Kinda Kind Series is about talking. And not talking. About gestures. And expressions. And sounds. And silence. It’s about all the curious ways we communicate. And sometimes it’s about just being Kinda Kind.
⭐ A quick note before we get started. You can read this post on my website (instead of in email) by clicking here. Sometimes it’s a better reading experience, plus, as a bonus, you’ll have access to the whole kit and kaboodle of Kindness Magnet posts. 💚
⭐⭐If for some wild, crazy unexplained reason you aren’t part of our kindness community yet, you can do that right here! Here are 4 excellent reasons to subscribe: You like kindness; You like humor and kindness; You want to hang out with cool, kind people; You feel sorry for me and you want to be kind (kidding, sort of lol).
~ “One Kind word can change someone’s entire day.”
Word Kindness Day is Born
Last week we celebrated World Kindness Day on November 13th. When I started pecking out ‘World’ on my little surface laptop, by mistake I typed ‘Word Kindness Day’. Oopsy. I noticed the mistake as soon as I had finished typing.
And then I thought, wait a sec, that’s not a mistake. There should be a ‘WORD KINDNESS DAY’.
So I am declaring Tuesday, November 21, 2023 officially as WORD KINDNESS DAY. 📯🚩🥳
Well, ok, what is Word Kindness Day?
We invented it, so we can make it whatever we want, right? 🧪
I’m thinking it’s a day when all of the words we use are kind. Kind to others. Kind to ourselves. Kind in our unspoken words. Kind in the words we say out loud. Kind in the words we write.
Oh boy, this will be fun! And for some of us, possibly a challenge. No nanner nanner boo boo kind of words all day. Not me. Not you. 🤣
A Little Help Please…
I need some help here. I’m jotting down some ideas, but it would be soooo much better if we did that collaborative thing. So when you’re done reading here, would you just head on over to the comments and add your ideas for Word Kindness Day. I’ll give you a virtual hug…🤗.
Here’s a Little Inspiration to Get You Started:
Here are some ideas for kind words that I feel like I could say to myself:
The world outside is beautiful. I’m am going to see its beauty.
I am good enough just the way I am.
There is beauty all around me, even in every day things.
I am grateful to have enough to live comfortably.
I am going to sit quietly for a few minutes and reflect on the good things in my life.
And here are a few kind words that I could say to others:
I love you.
You look really nice today.
Thank you for being a good friend.
I just want you to know how much I appreciate you.
How’s your day going today?
You have a beautiful smile.
Ready, Set, Go
Hey. We can start our Word Kindness Day right now. Maybe you’ve already started. Let’s all see how many ripples of kindness we can create today in celebration of Word Kindness Day!
I’ll Start…
“Thank you for spending time with me today. I really appreciate it.”
“Did you know that you’re the reason why I keep writing Kindness Magnet.”
“I hope you have a good day today.”
“I’m sending you a virtual High Five because you are wonderful.”
🐇 Lessons from the Rabbit Hole
Whoever said, “Sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me” was wrong. Words are powerful. They can hurt or they can bring happiness. Just a few kind words from you may be just the thing that someone needs at that very moment. Let’s do this.
If you enjoyed this post, would you please whackamole that like 🤍 button. You can take out your frustrations😁….and that whack helps more people see Kindness Magnet. Whack. Whack. Whack. Thank you.
⭐⭐⭐Pssst… three more cool ways to help spread kindness (because we seem to need more of that in our world)…
when you add a Comment (even just a teeny tiny one) that helps more people see KM….
and if you hit that little Restack circle and add a comment that will help readers all over the Substack world see the post… and they can join the kindness community… and kindness will spread. Yay!🤍
if you are on social media would you share the link to KM and invite others to join our community of kind people (https://heatherbrebaugh.substack.com).
KM is free for everyone. With your help we can bring a little more kindness into this world. Thank you for helping make a difference.
What kind words can you say to yourself to improve your day?🎁
How did the new words on the blind man’s sign make a difference?
What kind words can you say to someone else today? 🎁
If you need some kindness ideas, click here to access 2 free downloads with 33 Kindness Ideas (in case you missed last week’s post!).
If you are a writer on Substack, please add the name of your Substack publication and include a short description. Readers can click on the link next to your name to visit your Substack. (kindness is sharing 😊)
And as always, “Hi.” I hope your day is filled with kindness, even in the smallest of ways.🙋♀️
⭐Hi, if you’re still here (yippee), I’d like to invite you to check out my other newsletter, the After 21 Club. I describe it as “A sweet retreat where Friday meets you on the way to life's little pleasures. Reviews, recommendations, and thoughts to share from multiple generations.” I hope you will visit and sign up, if you wish. Articles come out on Fridays. Check out the archives.⭐
I have been thinking about this a lot lately, Heather. We would all like to spread kindness globally right now and it seems impossible, but we can affect our local world. Kindness to even one person is a start. I have a post on kindness coming out on Saturday regarding kindness to our service workers - waiters, cashiers, clerks. I was channelling my inner Heather. Thank you always for the inspiration.
Thank you for that video. Tears? Probably just my allergies.
Happy Word Kindness Day. As the say in Ireland: "A kind word never broke a tooth."